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Software for heat supply systems design 


The software developed includes three basic program packages:

All the software packages can run simultaneously or independently.

This program complex is represented by its demo version on CD. The supply package includes a manual, which is located in the file manual.doc. The system requirements are:

  • Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000; 
  • The processor clock frequency not less 150 МHz; 
  • Memory from 64 МB and more; 
  • Hard disk - 2,5 МB; 
  • The program installation: CD or floppy disks 3,5"; 
  • SVGA or VGA monitor; 
  • Mouse; 
  • Internet Explorer 4.0 and higher.

Optimal design of the heat stations and its equipment

This program is intended to carry out multi choice calculations for selection of the optimal equipment for dwelling houses, and industrial projects heat supplying heat stations, by its functional and economic figures. This equipment consists of: Heat Exchanger for Radiator Heating system, Heat Exchangers for HWS system, circulation pumps for Radiator Heating and HWS systems, and also charging pump for Radiator Heating system of building.

The program provides the most appropriate selection of Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers, produced by Alfa Laval, Sweden of the following types: M3, M6, M6M, M10B, M15B, M15M.

This program release also provides the selection of circulation pump, produced by Grundfoss, of with three following types: UP, UPS with modification for 220 and 380 V and with regulating operation levels 1-3, and LP.

The simulator developed for heat substation operation, allows you to trace the dynamics of its operation during all heating seasons, compare figures with any existing external survey and develop the propositions for operation improvement proposing the energy input, reductions and savings.


The Determination of the heat supply unit heat load

The determination of program complex, directed to determine the designed heat load of dwelling houses and industrial structures, which consists of three basic components:

  • Heating heat load determination of dwelling houses and industrial buildings ;
  • Maximal load determination of hot water supply ;
  • Calculation of ventilation heat load.

All three parts are combined into one total bloc, which can be run independently or simultaneously with "Optimal design of the heat stations and its equipment" program or "Computerized complex for dwelling houses Radiator Heating systems design" program.


A Radiator Heating systems design for a Computerized complex of dwelling houses

An automated complex has been developed for multi choice hydraulic and heat calculation of one pipe radiator heating systems for dwelling houses with overhead and basement distribution, oncoming and passing movement of heat carrier. The design includes the optimal selection of standpipe diameter and distributing pipelines, determination of the dimension-type and the specified type of heating devices in living quarters and services. The complex includes the possibility for preliminary determination of dwelling house radiator heating, hot water supply and ventilation system heat load, by different techniques.

For obtaining the optimal alternative of the designed solution, dynamic programming methods are used. One of the key conditions for heat hydraulic calculation optimization, is input cost minimization, under the adjusted heat capacity. Possible pressure losses in the radiator heating system for the constructively determined heating performance scheme is also calculated. Following calculation, the full pressure drop achievement in feeding and return pipeline is identified. This is provided for the presence of standpipes of different types, the application of heating devices of wide range of assortment, heat calculation etc. The design of the hydraulic calculation of the resistance characteristics and conductivity takes place, when the heat carrier flow distribution in the circulation system ring is established, and the unequal temperature difference in the standpipes and legs is identified.

A software recognizes all existing standards and information supplied with the curent building regulations and references.



 Программное обеспечение проектирования систем теплоснабжения





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